
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Deme su dinero, señor o señora

I've added a cute little feature to the Traveler at Sea blog.  Something everyone has been clamoring for. Every time I talk to my friends they express interest in buying me a beer.  Often they try to press a little cash into my hand on our parting.  You know, like you do at the curb when the driver places your bags on the sidewalk and you conveniently have those folded up dollars in your palm ready to transfer to him with a handshake and a wink.

And as I'm walking through town those scruffy gentlemen sitting on the sidewalk offer me their paper cups full of coinage, suggesting I take at least a quarter or a dollar.  It's embarrassing and I'm often reluctant to take people's money but I know it is just my pride that holds me back.  So with the help of my good buddy Pay Pal, I've added a little button to this website.  Without any embarrassment and in complete privacy, you can buy me a beer, buy me two beers, or even finance an entire week of Mexico cruising by pressing the Donate  button.

This takes you to a secure page, where you can use your credit card or PayPal account and in a few
Give me your money, sir or madam.
steps,Voilà, you have bought Connie and I a beer, or two, or twenty.  You will receive a receipt via email noting your donation amount and the fact that it is going towards our cruising kitty.  I'll receive an email notice that you, my good friend, my best friend, has contributed to our cruising kitty. You are happy and feel generous. We are happy knowing we have such good friends.  The cruising kitty is happy.  Actually the cruising kitty can be a voracious feline and if you don't feed her on a regular basis she gets very cranky. So thanks for helping out.

One more note.  If you enter your email address there where it says "Enter your email address and we'll send you a note when we post a new blog entry." then each time Connie or I dream up another interesting and clever blog entry you will receive a little note in your email in-box suggesting you come visit and read it. That way you can remove that little reminder note you have that pops up each day telling you to check our blog just to see if anything new is happening. 

El Capitan with that guy who "fixes" things.
And while I'm at it, there is this adjustment. If you click on the picture of the boat or the picture of me and Connie looking windswept and wacky it will take you to the very first blog entry from March 2010.  That's where our story begins.  From there you can scroll up to see more recent posts and use the "Newer Posts" and "Older Posts" to see other pages. You can also navigate by using the Blog Archive on the left margin to find specific months and years. 

Thanks for staying with me through this.  I think we have an agreement here.  It would be a shame if I had to call in this other guy to make my point more forcefully.  :)

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