
Thursday, August 30, 2012

We're Selling out

Now that the partying is over, it's time to sell off our remaining Seattle assets.  We're pretty much down to the basics of what it takes to live in our one bedroom apartment.  Now those belongings are leaving the nest.

A Virtual Garage Sale !

Here on this page we had advertised our belongings and let our friends know what we had to move out of the apartment.  Well, the sale went very well and we got rid of everything.  Many friends took our items and paid full price.  Some of the more stubborn items were difficult to sell so I used Craig's list and dropped the price down. 

Eventually we moved every single item. At the end we just put stuff on Craig's list for free and people came and picked them up.  So there was very little that we actually had to carry out of the apartment ourselves.  One little trip to the Goodwill and we were done.  Thanks to everyone who helped us shed ourselves of our unnecessary possessions.

Sold Items

The calendar is tight, with Scott working one more day and Connie rushing around taking pictures of things, changing addresses, and checking a bazillion things off the list. We're targeting September 20 as departure day with everything out of the house by September 17.

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