
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I'm just sayin,

Contrast these two scenes from yesterday:

Seattle: Winter muscles in early with strong winds, snow, slides
LaPaz: Baja's whale watching season begins.
 The truth be told, a few days ago when the pineapple express weather system came through and we experienced a few overcast days here in LaPaz I pined just for a moment for those hazy cool northwest mornings anchored in some Puget Sound bay.  Then after a day of sitting inside a damp gloomy boat I welcomed the pacific high again.  It is hard to think of snow now.  And it is hard to think that we are nearing the winter solstice.  Note the  holiday decorations on the LaPaz Malecon in the picture above.  The locals are wearing jackets because the days are down in the 70s.  

Looking at these two scenes, I'm asking myself and I'm asking you:    Choose.

I'm just sayin...

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