
Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer 2013 Update

Holy moly, it's almost August. Here in the Pacific Northwest everyone looks forward to the possibility of some warm weather soon.  We're visiting friends in Seattle and Olympia and have just finished a one week sailboat adventure in the San Juan Islands where we actually went without wearing wool socks for two days. One of the wonderful things I appreciated was that my beer stayed cold in the bottle as I consumed it, unlike in Mazatlan where halfway through your beer it becomes warm and flat.
We anchored at Ewing Cove at Sucia Island

Traveler sits alone in Mazatlan with her new engine, tranny, prop shaft, dripless shaft seal, cutlass bearing, and a smooth sexy new bottom.   We'll get back to her in late September, most likely. 

We've yet to exhaust our offers of couches or spare rooms in these parts but we can see a time coming soon when we'll want to spread our wings and head east into the mountains for scenic opportunities.  With that in mind, today we outfitted ourselves with a cute little 1987 Toyota Dolphin.  You can call it a motor home or you can call it what we call it - "Dolfina"

Note the northwest fashion statement of socks with sandals.
We got a killer deal on the old gal.  Once we get her tuned up, looked at, patched, and prodded sufficiently we'll head towards Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, you know the old west (which is east from here).  Mountain states' friends beware!  You might have little Dolfina show up in your driveway in August.

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