
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Pacific Crossing Day Five

Connie cooks a chicken
Chafe protection, that's our job now. We brought the genoa back down to inspect the new halyard. It was somewhat scrunched where it enters the mast up top. Looking through binoculars and using the digital camera we could get a look at the exit holes in the mast head. There looks like some irregular surfaces on the port side. We chose to use the starboard side extra halyard when we brought her back up. I'm glad we have all those spare halyards now.

If it squeeks, lube it. If it rubs, put some chafing gear there. If a line bounces across a shroud then rig it so it runs free. Yes we are on chafe protection patrol.

Last night the wind dropped again but somebody forgot to tell the seas so we had another bumpy night of it. You know how you feel when you've been to massage therapy and you got a more intense work out than you expected. That's how I feel now. This ocean has been working on my back and shoulders and arms while I lie in bed. How handy! I get rolled this way and rolled that.

We are all feeling better now, getting used to the sleeping shifts and realizing that there are just some things you do not do when it gets rough. I'm sure that all three of us are losing weight - we rarely eat a big meal, just grabbing something quick. Thank goodness we are well stocked with cookies and peanuts. Fresh veggies are just about gone but we have root vegetables that require more cooking.

Just to feel better, I cleaned myself up and shaved on day five. Scott Tobiason did laundry. Connie played music. So we are slowly getting life back as we know it. But it's a weird schedule to live.

The wind is slowly moving aft. Beam reach most of the day. Mornings are calmer, afternoons not so much. Night time is bumpy til late. Last night the sails were flapping so bad that our only recourse was to fire up the engine and power through the waves. When the boat is moving forward at 6 knots the keel keeps her steady. We had the added plus of getting a good charge on the batteries.

We've had some communications from some of you and that's really nice to read. Feel free to use the tracking service to send a quick text. Or you can use this account. Just don't send any pictures and strip all unnecessary stuff out, such as my email text here.

Oh yes, we are looking for crew for the return portion of the trip. Leave HI end of June, arrive in the pacific NW 20 something days later.

Feeling groovy.

Scott Connie and Scott

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  1. Dear Connie and Scott,
    Greetings from Lopez Island! Thank you so much for your communications-- it is good to hear from you each day about your adventure! It sounds like it is going well.
    I send to you a whiff of peppery-sweet wildroses blooming from the hedgerows, and a deer with a mouthful of tender greens and a baleful eye. Plus love.
    -- Jane

  2. Man oh man and woman, I wish I could be there with you! Lots of love from Daneen and Connor ⛵️
