
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Pacific Crossing Day Three

After the noon sighting on day three the fisherman changed the lure on the big rod. A bird arrived and soared around the boat. Hmmm, something's up. Scott Tobiason looked out behind the boat and saw a Mahi Mahi jump once, jump twice. He yelled, "That Dorado is going to take the lure!" and zing, the line started stripping out. And so we had fresh fish for our afternoon treat. As the seas were somewhat down, we all felt a little refreshed, but life was still a little difficult, especially down below in the fun house. We are still doing our three hours on, six hours off shifts and are starting to get into a rhythm. But still we feel a little dumb as we stagger around. There is a point when the movement lessens where you can read but if the seas escalate you gotta just put the book down.
Scott Tobiason at the nav station

We've discovered water coming into the boat where is shouldn't. Leak number one is forward in a cabinet above the vee berth. It's the place where the bow light wiring comes through the bow pulpit. We stuffed a towel into the cabinet. Leak number two is on the port side in a cabinet above the settee, probably the main chain plate is the culprit. Leak number three is very slight but annoying. It's in the deck prism above the quarter berth. Connie taped a diaper over it and it's absorbing just fine. Someday when the decks dry I'll climb out there and caulk the hell out of those three places. In Hawaii, I'll re-bed those areas.

So not much new on this side. Still uncomfortable. Hungry. Sleepy.

We watch the AIS gizmo and see the big ships passing us by. Last night I called one of the ships to see if our new AIS signal was visible and the radio operator said he could see us just fine. That's nice to know.

This morning on my 6:00 to 9:00 shift the wind started building. By the time Connie came on at 9:00 we needed to reef the main. We did. I went below. Two hours later Connie yells down to me to come help. The wind and waves had increased and the Hydrovane self steering couldn't handle the weather helm so she was hand steering. I came up and helped get the boat under control by turning downwind, letting out the main, and rolling in the genoa. The seas built to 6 feet with the wind at about 15 knots. Scott Tobiason came up and we put in a second reef in the main and that seemed to calm things down. But here we are again, in big seas, too rough to cook anything. I'm holding down the laptop as I type.

Wish you were here.

Scott, Connie, and Scott.

Oh, I almost forgot. Nautical miles run on day three = 127.

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