
Friday, June 10, 2016

Pacific Crossing - Arrival Day 20

Three reefs in the main as we approach our landfall in Hilo Hawaii
 June 8. How strange it is to sight land. Pushing hard, with the engine helping the sails, we maintained our 5.5 knots through the sloppy seas to arrive off the breakwater at Hilo Hawaii at 6:30 PM. Anchor down, champagne bottle opened at 7:30 PM making our transit time 20 days and 12 hours, Cabo San Lucas to Hilo Hawaii.

We plopped the anchor down in the middle of tiny Radio Bay, had a wonderful dinner of fresh Dorado. The drinking light was lit and a few bottles later we all crashed heavily into bed, sleeping like the dead until morning.

The boat is not moving! And yet, we stagger around, still needing hand holds.

We did it!
Average speed 5.2 knots for the journey

Scott, Connie, and Scott

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  1. Yahoooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeee!
    Congratulations All of You!
    Have a wonderful time hugging the land!

  2. So glad you made it! Yay!! I'm going to celebrate too!
    ~Julie Z.
