
Monday, June 6, 2016

Pacific Crossing Day 18

Having a boisterous ride today. The north wind evidently has a lot of fetch because it has kicked up 6 foot seas coming in on our beam. Amongst this turmoil, Connie is salvaging what's left of our fresh food (potatos, squash, peppers, apples) and making a big stew. I don't know how she does it with the action of the leaping floorboards.

Our spirits are up knowing that we'll be in Hilo in three days, maybe two. Send us your good thoughts as we approach landfall.

Not much else happening so I'll sign off.

Scott, Connie, and Scott

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  1. Oh! You ocean travelers, there is not a day that goes by when I don't send you the positive vibrations. I can't wait to hear how the land feels to you all, how long the rocking in your bodies continues as you walk around eating shave ice and coconut ice cream and pulled pork and, and, and. And while you've been rocking and rolling out there on the open waters of the big blue, John and I have been working on the Music Shed along the back forty (it's 11x13 and will be a magical place I'm sure). The cedar shingles are going up this week and then comes the insulation, sheet rock, paint, and window and door trim.
    Gabriel ~my son~ is graduating from TESC on Friday and I'm beaming with pride. We'll have a celebration here and make merry of his accomplishment.
    I wish you good anchoring and a smooth row to shore. Sending love with all of these words!

  2. Just a hula hop away from Hilo ! Go Travellers !

  3. Just a hula hop away from Hilo ! Go Travellers !

  4. So close now...can you smell the blossoms in the breeze?
