
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Seattle Bound Day 1

Gonna make this a quick one. We are 30 hours out of Nawiliwili Harbor, Kaui Island, Hawaii. I've put our boat name on the Pacific Seafarers Net so they will be doing roll call in a few minutes. We check in, give our lat and long and sea conditions. There are a couple of boats about two days ahead of us on their way to the mainland so it's nice to see their progress and what the weather is like further north.

We did not leave on a Friday. That's bad luck. So we waited til Saturday. We ate all the bananas because having a banana aboard is also bad luck. Exiting the breakwater we encountered 8 foot closely spaced swells. That was fun. Once we fought our way 8 miles east of Kaui, we were able to lay in a tack that would clear the NE tip of the island. By sundown we made the point where the seas were quite confused. Randy tossed his cookies over the rail and away we went.

There is a big high pressure dominating the NE Pacific and we are trying to get across the stiff trade wind flow so we can turn east towards Seattle. For now we are headed just west of north. Big seas, rough conditions, spray in your face, etc... I'm having trouble staying on the seat here in the nav station.

I've updated our position report so you can check that if you like on Farquar. See the URL in the heading of this web page.

Other than people puking and water coming over the rail, everything is just dandy.

Send us some good vibes and we'll keep on blasting through this NE wind to get to the promised land...

Scott, Connie, and Randy

Oh yea, we logged 140 miles in the last 24 hour period!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh! The salty seas of beginning! Please let us know when you plan to land in Seattle. Seems to me there should be some sort of welcoming party!! Sail on and know that I'm sending you smooth breezy vibes! Love to all!
