
Friday, September 2, 2016

Running down the BC inside passage

We are snuggled into Kynumpt Cove just north of Bella Bella BC after motoring 8 days south from Ketchikan Alaska. Along the way we've powered through dense fog, rain, sunshine, and lots of logs. We found the hot springs at Bishop Bay and ate fresh caught crab on the dock there. Waterfalls line the passages. Tugs pull barges. We see very few sailing vessels on this inside passage.

Our days start early, when we get up, start the engine, pull up the anchor and go. We have tea and breakfast on the way because it is so calm here that you can go without stowing everything. Of course, the engine noise is annoying but to offset that is the presence of whales, eagles, seals, and rainbows.

We spent a fortune provisioning in Prince Rupert. Canada is expensive. So I'm drinking Carlo Rossi red wine.

After days of drizzle and fog we are seeing some blue patches in the sky and today peeled off a few layers of foul weather gear hoping that once we get to Puget Sound there will be a little bit of that heat wave left for us to enjoy. Our arrival in the sound could be on about the tenth of September.

It is nice to see land every day.

Scott and Connie

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  1. make sure you let me know when you're going to dock in Seattle; I'll bring a really good bottle of red!

  2. Good times in Bishop Bay! Hope to see you on your future travels , safe journey south.

  3. Where are the photos? You had better be taking them! I'm looking forward to seeing you guys!!
