
Wednesday, November 13, 2024

La Paz 2024

Back in LaPaz again. How many times have we been here in the past? Quite a few. More boats. Bigger boats. We anchored out in the channel between the Mogote Peninsula and the city, just off Marina de LaPaz. Over the course of the next few days we launched the dinghy, went to town for provisions and got ourselves a slip at the marina.

Connie's daughter, Tesla, flew in from Portland Maine on April 21 and her son, Ezrah, flew in from Denver the next day on the 22nd, whereupon we headed out to the Islands staying the night in Partida again, then on to swim with the sea lions before heading north to Isla San Francisco.

The next day we did a very long hike to the center of the island where we had 360 degree views in all directions. After two nights at Isla San Franciso we caught a morning northerly to head south under sail and headed around the west side of Partida and Isla Espirto Santo, down to Bonanza for a very pleasant afternoon and evening.  

Swimming with the sea lions

Finishing up our short lived adventure, we stayed overnight at Playa Balandra before making the run back into the bay at LaPaz.  Tesla and Ezrah jumped on the bus back to the airport and we did some last minute provisioning and left the next morning, making a long run all the way to the protected anchorage at San Everisto.  The winds were cooperative for once so we decided to make haste and get while the getting was good.

In three days we made Agua Verde, then Puerto Escondido, then San Juanico.  With a pre-dawn start, we headed north across and up the Sea of Cortez and had a very long boring motor sail all the way to San Carlos, arriving after dark, following our bread crumbs on the GPS into the harbor. Whew!

Puerto Escondido - Pizza on the veranda

Sleeping in, after our late arrival,on Cinco de Mayo we got a slip at the marina the next day which gave us just enough time to stow and clean and prep the boat for storage.  We hauled on the 7th and in a burst of energy, had the boat put to bed so we could drive away in the truck the very next day. 


San Juanico

Five days on the road and we were back in Olympia.  Time to get the garden ready for planting, time to get Traveler ready for chartering, time to get medical stuff done. 


We had a whirlwind five weeks running down to LaPaz and back, preceded by a difficult winter of boat problems and health issues.  Somehow we made it through all that.  Now spring is here, the sun is shining, and things are looking up!


  1. Glad to hear you overcame most of your boat issues and were able to get out there! Connie's daughter doesn't happen to work at Flying Pie on SE Stark in Portland does she? I was there two nights ago and there was a girl working there named Tesla...

    1. BTW didn't mean to be anonymous, this is Tammy from S/V Anjuli...
