Masterworks Choral Ensemble is teaming up with Olympia’s
Afro-Cuban quartet Ocho Pies to end its season, and this matchup is a
win-win. As an authentic world-music group, Ocho Pies enhances the concert’s
world-music theme, while Masterworks’ singers lend some of Ocho Pies’
traditional Afro-Cuban tunes a more authentic sound.
“For us, it’s very exciting to do this music with Ocho Pies
and a choir, because normally, that is how it’s done,” said Michael
Olson, Ocho Pies’ drummer. “We’ve never been able to do that before.“In Cuba, it’s done with a big entourage of singers, so it’s exciting to hear it in that fashion.”
....... and then later on in the interview:
The concert is likely to be among Ocho Pies’ last, at least for a
long while. Lead singer Connie Bunyer is getting married in August and
will leave the quartet in the fall to go on an extended sailboat journey
with her new husband.
“It’s sad,” Olson said. “I’m super happy for her. She’s in
love; she’s going to go out and do this beautiful thing. But it’s a
little sad.
“It’s kind of the end of Ocho Pies as we know it.”
Olson and the other remaining members, Paul Hjelm and Steve
Luceno, are still figuring out what’s next. Meanwhile, Olson said, the
band will have some summer gigs at the Water Street Cafe where friends
and fans can bid a fond farewell to Bunyer.
See the whole article here at the Olympian
So as you see, the cat's out of the bag, at least in Olympia. While Connie is excited about wandering the seas with Scott on Traveler, she will really miss playing music with her good friends Michael, Stephen, and Paul.
In the meantime: Embarkation is just over the horizon.
Time accelerates as we approach the date.