The next weekend we attended again and while Connie was buying some new fenders at West Marine, I proudly displayed my bright red Mustang PFD by standing at the intersection of various walkways. Sure enough, they called my name and I won one for myself. Now we have two new PFDs, one with a spare arming cylinder.

The next time we travel to Ensenada we'll stop off at Downwind, grab the PFDs and buy some assorted line and supplies. Then we'll swing by West Marine to pick up the four fenders that Connie bought at the boat show. You can buy things at a boat show and pick them up at the dealer almost anywhere in the US where they have an office. We'll be totally loaded down on that Trolley! Might have to use the services of one of those two-wheeled cart guys at the border.

The Boats Afloat show at South Lake Union wasn't too bad. Overwhelmed by power boats as usual. However there were a couple of sailboats we enjoyed seeing. The 1995 Valiant 42 cutter was my favorite. We liked the Island Packet Estero and the Hallberg-Rassy 40 also. Big dollars. Looking at the workmanship and seamanship qualities of these boats and comparing that to what we saw on the Jeanneau and Beneteau models was a stark comparison. The woodwork detail differences, the use of available storage space, hand holds down below, overall craftsmanship. If you've seen these boats, you know what I'm saying.
I learned a lot at the boat show, through seminars and conversations:
What to keep in the sewing kit for sail repairs
How Radar works and does not work
How to inspect the rigging
How to get the watermaker back on line and how to maintain it once underway.
What sail inventory to use for long distance cruising
How to dock the boat
How to order a new Hydrovane and install it on the stern of Traveler
How, as a couple, to get along and share the load
How to win free PFDs.
How to spend $9.00 on one beer.
Way to go on those free PFD's---sweet!